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Discussion in 'About phun.org' started by babydoll, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. brcook09

    brcook09 In The Crack

    Apr 14, 2005
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    ....not even gonna mention what I'm up to right now. Sedentary job......bad knees, bad back and too much phunnin' with put the LB's on ya' quick.
  2. wtfazzhole

    wtfazzhole Munchin on Pussy ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Original Phun Crew

    Dec 15, 2004
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    lol. well it all depends upon your height. Medically I am 5'9.5" so my ideal weight should be 165 for my height. I weigh a bit above that. :(

    I need to lose about 20 pounds and I will be ecstatic. Well maybe not even 20 pounds. If i am 175 but with muscle mass then i don't care being a bit overweight. :D
  3. brcook09

    brcook09 In The Crack

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Here is something to tell the kiddies out there.............NEVER EVER EVER, get into competitive body building.......at least not without a peer that knows what they are doing. I stayed on the competition schedule to long. Instead of spending half the year bulking up and getting BIG, I stayed at a competition weight +/- a few LB's for almost 18 months. I was taking in at a point less than 600 calories a day. When I finally stopped competing (my kidney's were starting to fail)....my body had become accustomed to the 600 Calorie a day diet and was not prepared for a regular diet anymore. My metabolism basically SHUT down. Anything over say 1000 calories a day (even now) and I WILL gain weight. The ONLY option I have is surgery either to reduce the possible intake level (stapling) or to have brain surgery of sorts to have my metabolism sped back up to normal levels.
  4. wtfazzhole

    wtfazzhole Munchin on Pussy ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Original Phun Crew

    Dec 15, 2004
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    WOW! i didn't realize you can do that to your body. That sounds bad BR. So you have to watch your diet now? Cause i swear my daily caloric intake is around 3,500 or so. But at least I am not gaining any more than i have been. My weight has stabalized for the past 6-7 years.
  5. brcook09

    brcook09 In The Crack

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Have to watch it constantly. I can fluctuate as much as 50 pds. I sometimes just get lazy and tired of fighting it, then it goes up 30-50 pds. Then I snap out of it, drop a few, but never down to where it started....so it slowly creeps up more and more.
  6. wtfazzhole

    wtfazzhole Munchin on Pussy ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Original Phun Crew

    Dec 15, 2004
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    i didn't realize you can do so much damage to your body like that all through excercise. Looks like I will start back walking tomorrow. I want to make it my goal to drop down to 175 pounds. so 20 pounds to drop i think I can manage. Besides i have my brother's wedding to go to in July. :D
  7. brcook09

    brcook09 In The Crack

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Scared you did I? Well it's ALL true, and it fuckin' sucks.

    That coupled with too many years of Football, Wrestling, Baseball (Catcher), then jumping out of perfectly good planes and helicopters in the Army will fuck the rest of your body up pretty good.
  8. wtfazzhole

    wtfazzhole Munchin on Pussy ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Original Phun Crew

    Dec 15, 2004
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    lol, well i was never as extreme as you. :p

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